The Boys of Banana Court: Box Set Page 14
A look of confusion passed over Celeste’s face. “Now I can see the resemblance. Yep. Around the eyes. And he has your luscious lips.”
“Leave the sugary sweetness for the baked goods, sweetheart, and bag up my order please.”
If Celeste was offended, she didn’t allow it to show. “Absolutely,” she replied in a cheerful chirp. “Would you like a coffee to round off your order?”
Estelle’s brow arched as she considered. “I’m not into all those fancy drinks you make today. I like my coffee like my men, strong and black … shame my son doesn’t.”
Josh wanted to scream, Get the fuck out! but he channeled the positive energy that Celeste seemed to have an endless supply of. “So just the muffin and the cookies,” he said, shoving them into a pastel pink bag and folding it over. He handed the bag toward Estelle. “That’ll be four dollars fifty.”
After accepting the bag and paying, Estelle turned to leave but stopped and turned back. “You don’t remember me, do you?” she asked Celeste.
Celeste stopped her busy work behind the counter. “We were in school together,” she answered. “I believe you sat a few rows over in Office Management.”
“That’s right,” Estelle said. “It appears that you learned a thing or two in that class. This is a nice place. You’ve done well for yourself.”
“Thank you,” Celeste returned with a slight nod with her head. “You’ve done well too.”
“You have your beautiful son. He’s generous and charming. You should be very proud of him.”
There was an extended silence or pause that Josh couldn’t read. Estelle’s demeanor changed, the lines across her forehead softened. “Yes,” she said. “He’s a loyal son. Too loyal sometimes.”
“Better than disloyal,” Celeste answered.
Estelle left, but her energy remained. When she first entered the bakery, her words angered Josh, but by the end, he felt sad and sorry for her, and he wasn’t sure why, exactly.
“You okay, honey?” Celeste swatted Josh with a tea towel, which had been draped over her shoulder.
“She’s a seriously unhappy woman, isn’t she?”
“I remember her being a happy girl, always laughing,” Celeste said. “We weren’t good friends, but we knew each other. I hope she discovers that she doesn’t have to be unhappy. As far as we know, we only have one go-around, so we might as well treat life like it’s the biggest party of the century.”
Laughter bubbled up from Josh’s toes, overtaking him. It felt good after Estelle’s sobering and sad visit.
Celeste swatted Josh again, the towel making a cracking sound as it made contact against his arm. “You had better be laughing with me and not at me, or I’m going to write you a rubber check.”
Josh rubbed the sore spot on his arm. “Ya know something, Celeste, you’re the best aunt a gay boy can ever have.”
Celeste turned to head back into the kitchen. She threw a coy smile over her shoulder. “It’s been suggested before.”
* * * *
“Flowers? You bought me flowers?”
Darius stood at Josh’s door, wearing a tight fitting, blinding white shirt that matched his perfect teeth. “Why not? When was the last time someone bought you flowers?”
Josh considered but came up with never. He accepted the bundle of multicolored carnations and invited Darius in. “How’d you get here? I thought your car was out of commission?”
“There is something called a bus.” Darius leaned in and kissed Josh full on the mouth. It was the type of kiss that said he was happy to see Josh and that he was growing comfortable with where the relationship was heading.
As they parted lips and Josh closed the door, he said, “I hate to admit this, but I’ve never taken a ride on our local transit. Never had to.”
“You take your chances sometimes, but the ride over here wasn’t all that bad. Only one crazy lady but she kept herself occupied by having a conversation with herself.”
“What can I offer you to drink, iced tea, water, or something stronger?”
“Ice tea sounds good. I had enough alcohol last night to last me a very long time. I can still taste the tequila from those margaritas on the back of my tongue.”
“Sorry for being a bad influence,” Josh apologized but only half-jokingly. He went into the small kitchen area that consisted of an L-shaped counter space, a small island that divided the living room from the kitchen, and appliances that had withstood the treatment of numerous renters. Taking a glass pitcher brimming with iced tea and ice cubes from the refrigerator’s top shelf, he poured tea into a glass that Josh had already preselected and sitting on the island between them.
Darius watched as Josh poured, his full lips curled upward at the corners. He always has a happy disposition, Josh thought. Yet another reason he was attracted to Darius. After he stopped pouring, Josh slid the glass to Darius and filled one for himself.
“Are we alone tonight?” Darius asked, looking at a large steaming pot on the range.
Josh followed his gaze. “Mitch and Austin are joining us. I mentioned that they might be, I think? Hope it’s okay.”
“I want to meet your friends,” Darius returned. “It’ll tell me more about you.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Josh said, fighting back a smile. “And whatever they tell you, don’t believe them, especially Mitch. The guy is the embellisher of all embellishers, but he has a heart of gold.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less from you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You strike me as the type who chooses his friends wisely, that you only want to surround yourself with quality people.”
“Who are you complimenting, me or yourself?”
“Two birds.” Darius laughed, a frisson of excitement exploding in Josh. “All kidding aside, you don’t strike me as the type of guy who needs people around him to feel complete, that you are comfortable in your own skin.”
“Something tells me that you’re the same way.”
“Essentially, I grew up by myself,” Darius shared. “My dad and stepmother had kids later on, but they were still babies by the time I hit high school. Don’t get me wrong, I love the little dudes, but it’s not like having siblings around the same age, now is it?”
“I guess,” Josh said. “I only have one sister, but we’re not close. She’s in her own self-centered world right now. Boys, dances, clothes, all those things sixteen-year-old girls obsess over.”
“I obsessed over all those things at sixteen, too.” Darius paused. “And seventeen.”
“So, what you’re telling me is that I’m dating the equivalent of a teenage girl?”
Darius nodded and twisted his lips to the side. “I guess that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
Josh busied himself at straining spaghetti and placing the finishing touches to the tomato-based meat sauce simmering in a saucepan, tossing in a couple extra pinches of ground pepper at the last minute. Reaching for plates out of an overhead cabinet and collecting silverware, the men set the coffee table that would pass as the dining table tonight, covering the scratched wood surface with a white tablecloth handed down from Mitch’s mother. Adding two candles to the center, Josh lit them as Mitch and Austin walked through the door.
Standing on his tiptoes and puffing out his chest, Mitch inhaled in an exaggerated fashion. “What smells so damn good?” he asked. “And who are the candles for?”
Austin shoved Mitch playfully into the living room as Darius lifted his hand into a fist bump. “They’re nice, aren’t they? I’m Darius. Nice to meet you.”
Mitch, then Austin fist-bumped, introducing themselves.
“Sorry if we’re late,” Austin apologized. “It’s my fault. I had a massage that ran late.”
“No worries,” Josh assured. “And you’re not late. Perfect timing, actually. Mitch, grab the plates and help serve.”
Following Josh’s directions, Mitch held the plates as Josh dole
d out generous servings of spaghetti. “So, what do you think of Darius?” Josh asked in a whisper.
“Very handsome,” Mitch returned in the same tone of voice. “Great eyes. Nice chest. I’ll check out his ass later when no one is looking.”
“You have Austin’s hard as concrete ass so keep your eyes to yourself.”
“I said look, not touch.”
“If there is anything you don’t like about Darius, please don’t hold back. You’re my closest friend, and I want to know what you think. It’s important to me.”
“I might be calling it too early, but I think he’s going to be good for you. Something tells me he’s nothing like all those other losers you’ve dated.”
“Hey,” Josh feigned hurt. “What about that guy who’s now at Harvard?”
“Loser,” Mitch said without missing a tick.
“The one who’s playing in the minors and is doing rather well according to his mother?”
“Of course his mother would say that,” Mitch hissed. “What do you think, that she would admit to having a son who is a complete nut job loser and can’t do better than the minor league?”
“He was a bit on the insane side,” Josh agreed, now remembering a date that didn’t end well.
“Ya think?” Mitch scoffed. “Can you say restraining order?”
“So, you see why it’s important that you feel Darius out? I get confused by muscles and dimples and thighs, and my radar gets all scrambled.”
“As I said, at first glance, he appears to be a great dude, but if my opinion starts to change, I will let you know ASAP.”
“Thanks,” Josh said.
Josh and Mitch carried the plates to the coffee table, and the four guys sat on the floor surrounding the table, Josh sitting directly across from Darius. At first, they ate in relative silence, enjoying the Italian comfort food until Austin initiated conversation. They discovered similarities, the two coming from divorced homes and both having mothers living in Sarasota, and two women who never remarried for reasons they only knew. Josh recognized a bond forming between Darius and Austin as they shared notes on taking care of mothers who suffered from loneliness and depression.
When there was a pause in conversation, Mitch seized the opportunity to ask Darius questions. “Are you going to school?” he said. “Or working?”
“At the moment, neither,” Darius replied candidly. “Before coming here, I saved up some money so I could take time off, but that’s running out. I’ve applied at a few places, but as of yet, there’s nothing concrete. I plan on enrolling at the community college next semester.”
“We all go there,” Mitch explained. “Prerequisites.” Mitch shrugged wide muscular shoulders. “I’m not exactly sure which degree I’m shooting for, but my parents assure me that an education is necessary and I’ll never regret getting one.”
“You don’t sound convinced,” Darius said.
“Oh, I’m definitely convinced. The problem is, schoolwork is and never was my strong point.”
Austin rubbed his hand down Mitch’s back. It was an intimate and tender gesture.
“Babe, you’re doing great,” Austin assured. “You’re keeping your GPA up, and you have your nose stuck in a book every waking moment when not at work. You’re doing great.”
Mitch’s handsome smile spread from cheek to cheek. “Behind every great man is an even greater man.”
“Not exactly how the saying goes,” Josh said, “but we get the drift.” Josh looked at Austin. “Austin here has really helped Mitch stay focused, which I might add is not an easy thing to accomplish. One squirrel runs in his path and Mitch’s attention is on to the next thing.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, friend.”
“It’s said with love, friend.”
Mitch made a sharp noise in the back of his throat and shoved a forkful of spaghetti into his mouth.
“Bottom line is,” Josh continued, “when the time comes, we will figure it out. Darius isn’t the only one without a job. I’m searching too.”
Darius stabbed a fork at Josh. “Yeah, but you work with Celeste. That’s a job and a good one.”
“I’m only covering for someone who had her gallbladder removed. It’ll come to an end soon. Plus, I suspect Celeste could handle the bakery by herself, and she only employs me as a favor to me and my parents.”
“Who cares,” Mitch said, swallowing hard. “Take the job and the money and say ‘thank you.’”
“You’re right. You are always right.”
“You said it,” Mitch said. “Not me. And you all heard it. I am always right.”
“Always?” Austin cocked his head to the side, narrowing his gaze at Mitch.
Mitch raised a brow, a slight flare to his Roman nose. “He said always.”
“Yes, babe.”
As the night proceeded, the guys shared stories, mostly of Josh and his failed dates, thanks to Mitch’s creative and colorful storytelling. When it was time for the dishes to be cleared, Mitch and Austin made a quick retreat to Austin’s apartment that still had a spotless kitchen. Josh didn’t mind because it gave him one-on-one time with Darius and truth be told, Mitch wasn’t the best at washing dishes.
Chores done and the leftover food stocked securely in the refrigerator, Josh and Darius sat on the couch as the burning candles emitted a warm glow over the room. Josh slid up against Darius, the man’s body warm and inviting against his own.
“I hope you weren’t too uncomfortable,” Josh said. “Don’t pay attention to Mitch’s teasing. It’s meant in the best possible way.”
“He’s a great guy, and so is Austin. They act as if they’ve been together forever. It’s as if they share a secret language. Did you see those looks Austin was giving Mitch? It’s obvious that he’s so into Mitch.”
“Mitch loves Austin,” Josh said. “I’ve never seen him fall as hard for a guy in my life. Mitch has always been popular, but Austin holds his attention. I wasn’t sure if someone would ever do that. It’s good to see. I’m happy for them both.”
“How about you?” Darius ran his hand along Josh’s thigh. “Has anyone ever held your attention long enough for you to share a commitment?”
“I’ve had a few boyfriends but nothing serious. At the time, I thought they were, but I was playing boyfriend instead of being one.”
“I think many of us did that in high school. Remember all that self-induced drama.” Darius smiled. “Looking back, I believe I watched too many reality TV shows. I wanted my life to be like the shows, full of excitement and drama.”
“Being gay in high school was difficult enough,” Josh admitted. “I didn’t need any more drama than that.”
“Was it hard … for you?”
“It would’ve been harder without Mitch. He would say the same about me if he was standing here with us.” Josh gazed into Darius’s liquid eyes, the flames of the candle dancing in the hazel. “How about you? Did you have a friend you could be honest with?”
“No, at least not completely,” Darius said. “I had a tough enough time with my parents’ divorce and Mom moving back without me. Mix in being gay and going through all those confused and hormone-filled emotions, it all adds up to an unhappy childhood. Believe me, I’m not looking for pity because I managed to get over it and turn out okay. But if I could’ve had a Mitch, it would’ve been helpful and a lot less lonely and painful.”
“Yeah, we’re thankful for each other.”
“Has your relationship changed since Austin entered the picture?”
“Of course, but not in a bad way. I want to see Mitch happy, and I believe Austin does that for him.”
Darius cupped the side of Josh’s face, his thumb played along his bottom lip. The scent of vanilla drifted in the room. “Enough about other people’s relationships.”
Surprising Josh, and with much athleticism, Darius climbed on to Josh, straddling him around the hips. Darius’s weight against his body felt erotic. Now cupping with both hands, Darius i
nched closer until he closed his mouth over Josh’s. Warmth filled every inch of Josh’s body as Darius’s tongue explored Josh’s mouth. He was lost in the kiss. He couldn’t remember a kiss feeling so heated and intense.
“I can’t keep my hands off you,” Darius admitted, his lips brushing Josh’s. “I don’t want to freak you out, but I like you a lot. Everything about you is attractive. I can’t find one fault.”
“Firstly, I don’t want you to take your hands off me, and as for not having any faults, you are not looking hard enough.”
Darius shook his head. “I stand behind what I said. Not one fault. You can even cook a mean-ass spaghetti. You are perfection on two well-shaped legs.”
“If we weren’t already kissing, I’d kiss you.”
“Promise me you’ll keep it up.”
Josh promised with his best earth-shattering kiss.
Hands slid over smooth muscles and lips trailed along foreheads, cheeks, and throats. And when the shirts were shed and discarded on the floor in a wrinkled pile, Josh arched up and lapped at Darius’s chocolate-colored nipples. He teased each with the tip of his tongue, feeling Darius shudder under his lingual caress. Unable to withstand it any longer, Josh unbuttoned Darius’s jeans then unzipped. He reached in and pulled out Darius’s generous cock, which was semi-soft but heading straight for rock-hard. His pulse pounding in his ears and sweat prickling the back of his neck, Josh stroked the length of Darius’s dick, feeling the organ swell to its impressive length.
“On my God,” Darius groaned. “I love to feel you doing just what you’re doing.” His head hung down as he watched Josh massaging the venous shaft with both hands. “You drive me blind crazy.” Darius pumped his hips as Josh pumped his cock.
“Do you want me to take your load now?” Josh could see the sweet torture in Darius’s eyes. “Would you like me to drain you dry?”
Darius emitted a strangled moan. “I’d never decline that offer.”
Wasting no time, Josh flipped Darius on to his back. Gripping Darius’s swollen cock, Josh applied the perfect amount of pressure at the base and closed his lips over the head, teasing and taunting at first before engulfing Darius’s cock in one thrust. He told himself he should slow down and be patient, but it was impossible. Josh’s need to taste Darius was too great for him to practice patience. Over and over and ignoring the tired muscles in his lips and cheeks, Josh made love to Darius’s dick, only slowing the pace when Darius announced that he was going to come.